E.T. The Extra Terrestrial Wiki
PERFORMER Pat Welsh (voice)
Steven Spielberg (voice)
Kayden Green (voice)
Pat Bilon (suit performer)
ET gold light shadows

Zrek, better known as E.T. (which stands for Extraterrestrial), is a short brown extraterrestrial that was accidentally left on Earth by his botanist colleagues and the titular deuteragonist from the movie E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.

During his brief stay on Earth, he befriends Elliot. While living at Elliott's home, E.T. becomes fond of Earth food (mainly fruit and vegetables) specifically Reese's Pieces and beer. He doesn't like the taste of potato salad. After reading a "Buck Rogers" comic strip about him being stranded on an alien world and builds a communicator out of what's leftover from his damaged ship to call for home. E.T. is inspired to try it himself in order to return home.

With the help of Elliott and his siblings, he manages to create a makeshift communicator made of household objects and was successfully able to "phone home".

The next day, the spaceship returns to pick up E.T and return home. The movie ends with Elliott and his family watch E.T.'s ship take off, leaving a rainbow in the sky.


E.T. is small and has a stout, rotund main body, brown skin, no visible ears, large head, very long arms, very short legs, enormous blue eyes, bird-like feet with human-like toenails, nose and mouth of an orangutan, teeth of a horse, long neck of a snake and long thin fingers of a toad. Steven Spielberg has said that the main reason for E.T’s long neck was to reinforce the idea that no human could be in a costume although this was actually the case, it was only the animatronics that included a elongated neck.


E.T is very smart. He learns how to adapt to human life very quickly and how to communicate. He builds a device that will help send him home. He initially shows a cautious interest with human life such as Elliot’s toys, family and loneliness and over the course of the film understands how humanity is not too different from his own species.


Main article: E.T./Gallery